Christian Cowboy Poetry and more

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Counting Down

This is one of those "stream of consciousness" poems. I started, not knowing what I wanted to say or even why I was writing. I hope you get something out of it and you might find it useful as a conversation starter with someone worn out from the holiday rush.

Counting down

We’re in what’s called the Advent Season
when shoppers lose all sense of reason.
The time is short, the pressure’s on,
the perfect gift’s already gone.
They buy a trinket that’s on sale
so they can get it in the mail.
When all is purchased, all is fine.
But then, they face that awful line
to mail what must go out of town.
No wonder that they’re feeling down.
Mall Madness seems to rule the day
They think it shouldn’t be this way
What happened to the joyous part
they see in Norman Rockwell’s art?
Make yourself a cup of tea.
Decide that this year you will be
at peace because you’ve found the reason
that’s behind the Advent Season.
It’s not the tinsel, gifts or tree.
It’s really nothing you can see.
It’s more about what you can feel.
Advent’s about a love so real
that brings the hope of Heaven’s Glory.
It’s all about the Christmas story.

Jeff Hildebrandt © Dec. 5, 2012

Merry Christ-mas to you!

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