Christian Cowboy Poetry and more

Christian Cowboy Poetry and more
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Friday, August 31, 2012

Politics as Usual

Once again, manufactured enthusiasm clouds better judgement. What sort of choice do we have when we're forced to pick between the lesser of two evils?

Politics as usual

The RNC is over
The DNC’s ahead
and if we lived on promises
we’ll all be better fed.
I get so aggravated
at how they smile and say
I’ll solve all your problems
if you just vote my way.
I’ll tell you what I told you
when I warned you once before
we have to stop the politics.
Vote incumbents out the door.
Petty Party Politics
are the order of the day.
So let’s get out a great big broom
and clean the crud away.
You want to be my President
Then pledge to end this strife.
If you force a change in Washington,
We can have a better life.

Jeff Hildebrandt © August 31, 2012.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Inspirational views

I had the pleasure of taking part if the True West Rail Fest in Durango, Colorado a few days ago. Met some wonderful people and rode the Durango and Silverton Narrow Gage railroad, pulled by an 1875 steam locomotive. Thought I'd share some of the pictures.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Beatitude # 7 and 8

We've come to the end of the Beatitude postings. I certainly hope these thoughts have been helpful.

5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.”

“It’s my way or the highway.” We’ve all heard that refrain
and may have even said it when other folks complain.
It’s human nature just to bark at some obnoxious jerk
but God says He will bless you if you strive for peace at work
as well as in your church and home where discord and dissension
can simmer then boil over and shift your good intention
from doing unto others to fighting for your cause.
So, when you feel the urge to lash, just take a breath and pause.
Ask The Lord to help you speak with love so hate will cease.
Remember, God says he will bless all those who work for peace.

5:10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

The world seems like it’s closing in and beating down believers.
But God will not forget the way the faithful face deceivers
by maintaining Christian values and not crumbling with the weight
of Satan’s persecution; the evil lies and hate.
See, Jesus is a stumbling block to those who don’t believe
but a stepping stone to heaven for those who have received
God’s passport to Salvation by asking Jesus Christ
to make his home inside your heart and help you change your life.

In light of all God’s done for us, we should show gratitude
by living life with grace and love. That’s our Be-Attitude.

Jeff Hildebrandt © July 19, 2012