Christian Cowboy Poetry and more

Christian Cowboy Poetry and more
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010


It seems like it is time, once again, for the church of your choice to encourage you to bring a friend to a worship service. I have been thru the evangelism emphasis more times than I can count. It is a scatter gun approach and I guess it works because churches keep doing it.

Old Ben Dollar and Pete Purdue
were chewing over what to do
about the task they had in store.
They hated going door to door
or calling on the telephone.
So Pete told Ben, once they’re alone,
“Evangelize, a scary thought.
I realize, I’d rather not.
The preacher said, ‘go spread the news
but he just wants to fill the pews
on Easter and on Christmas Eve.
He seems to want us to believe
that if we get them in the door
next Sunday, they’ll come back for more”.

“More what?” asked Pete, “More Bible-light?”
He preaches so we’ll feel all right
about our lives, our hopes and dreams
with scriptures that support our schemes?
We’re told, forget the other stuff,
God’s there to help you, that’s enough.
Just ask and He will sure deliver
AND God just loves a cheerful giver.

Ben agreed, it seemed confused
about why they should spread Good News.
He said they should tell those they know
that Jesus died so long ago
as part of God the Father’s plan
to bring eternal life to man.
He died to save us all from hell,
not so church membership could swell”.

See, worship is what we should do
but where should be left up to you.
Just find a church that’s Bible based;
A church where emphasis is placed
on God the Father, God the Son,
God the Spirit; Three in One.
With that in mind, we just relax
and share how Jesus Christ impacts
our daily life. Tell how we’ve changed;
how values have been rearranged.
Then Pete said when it’s put like that
just hold it while I get my hat
cause when God’s love is emphasized
it feels good to evangelize.

Jeff Hildebrandt © 2008

Now, my thought on Evangelism is to witness how your life has been affected by your personal relationship with God's Son, Jesus. That way, you plant the seed of salvation. If the person you're talking to wants to come to your church, that's great. But we all need to realize that churches are like restaurants. Not everybody likes the same food, and that's all right. The object is to eat. I hope that makes sense.
Keep Ridin' for the Boss and the Brand!

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